- кошки скребут на душе
=====⇒ s.o. experiences (and often tries to conceal from others) strong feelings of unrest, anxiety, worry etc (caused by pangs of conscience, a premonition of coming troubles etc):- у X-a на душе скребут кошки there's a gnawing in X's heart;- something is gnawing at X's heart;- X feels torn up (apart) inside;- X feels miserable (distressed, upset etc).♦ Когда летом [актёры] приехали из Саратова и [Гриша] Ребров встречал её [Лялю] на вокзале, Корнилович нарочно громким, шутовским голосом говорил Ляле: "Ну что, Лялечка, признаемся Грише во всём? А? Давай признаемся!" Актеры хохотали, Гриша силился улыбаться, а на душе кошки скребли: чёрт их знает, а вдруг? (Трифонов 1). When the company had come back from Saratov that previous summer and [Grisha] Rebrov had gone to the railroad station to meet her [Lyalya], Kornilovich had spoken up in an intentionally loud, jesting voice, "Well, Lyalechka, shall we confess everything to Grisha? Shall we? Let's tell him!" The actors had roared with laughter and Grisha had done his best to smile, but inside he felt torn apart: who could be sure, perhaps something had actually gone on between them? (1a).♦ За годы супружеской жизни Вера Платоновна выучилась улыбаться, какие бы кошки ни скребли на душе, быть всегда свежей, подтянутой, энергичной (Грекова 3). During their years together, Vera had learned to smile regardless of how miserable she felt, to look fresh and lively always (3a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.